GSoC Ideas

Listing Ideas for GSoC 2022

Open Event Frontend Reimplementation

Implement frontend of Open Event in new frontend stack comprising of React/Vue

The aim of this project is to move Open Event Frontend from EmberJS to React/Vue stack in order to make use of modern web technologies and state-of-the-art techniques to provide users and developers a better, faster and more professional experience.

To achieve this we need to reimplement the frontend modelling the UI, UX and behaviour from the current website to the new one. Another part of this is to enable incremental adoption which will enable parts of the new website to be live alongside the old website.

It is preferred to have prior experience in bootstrapping new projects from scratch using Webpack and modern technologies. Knowledge about progressive enhancement, PWAs, modern web benchmarking, and optimization techniques like reducing LCP timings and preloading resources on-demand, is expected. Problem-solving skills involving giving ideas for problems with little prior coverage, like deploying both old site and new simultaneously on same domain while the new site is developed, will be appreciated.

Open Event: Open Event enables organizers to manage events from concerts to conferences and meet-ups. It offers features for events with several tracks and venues. Event managers can create invitation forms for speakers and build schedules in a drag and drop interface. The event information is stored in a database. The system provides API endpoints to fetch the data, and to modify and update it. Organizers can import and export event data in a standard compressed file format that includes the event data in JSON and binary media files like images and audio.

Communication: Please join our mailing list to discuss questions regarding the project:!forum/open-event. Our chat channel is on Gitter here:

Prerequisite Requirements

React/Vue, Webpack, Web Technologies

Possible Mentors

Areeb Jamal, Mario Behling

